Rise Up Singing
3rd Sunday, 3pm
Format: There will not be a dedicated guitar player to lead all songs. We will each have the opportunity to lead a song as we go around the circle. Songs can come from either the Rise Up Singing books which will be available at the church or they can be simple, repetitive songs that singers can easily follow.
This will be a hybrid in-person and Zoom event. The internet at the church is a bit sketchy but I'm hoping Zoom will work well so singers can join us from wherever they may be. I'd like a volunteer on Zoom to post lyrics in the chat.
So we can plan, it would be helpful if you can RSVP to let me know whether you will be joining in-person or on Zoom. Emailing a photo of your vaccination card is easier for me but you can bring it with you.
See CALENDAR for contact info and more detail.