President’s Letter
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a busy week for me this week. I’m just now finally getting my newsletter out. But, since I’ve written about what’s going on tomorrow in the last two newsletters, everyone should already know that it is our last Leo Coffeehouse for the calendar year before our normal two weeks off for the holidays.
Join us if you can.
Leo Coffeehouse
December 17, 2023
3:30 PM: Holiday Caroling
Tell your friends and bring the kids! This is a special holiday singalong led by Robin Roland.
5:30 PM: Holiday Potluck
Bring a dish to share with serving utensils.
6:40 PM: All Evening Song Circle
I hope to see you at Leo Coffeehouse.
QCB/Leo Coffeehouse Membership
We are keeping our standard annual QCB membership dues at $20.00 for a family, or for a single person plus a guest. Last year, knowing that the pandemic cut into our contingency funds, as we continued to pay overhead expenses with no income, some members donated larger amounts to QCB. We very much appreciate the support of all QCB members at all levels.
We are exploring setting up our website to allow the payment of different levels of dues support. For now, if you’d like to pay the standard dues, you can pay them online here or by a check at Leo. (We’ve discontinued our P.O. Box, I will have a mailing address in the next newsletter for those who wish to mail their membership dues.)
If you would like to donate more than the $20.00 standard dues, you can do so by check, or through our website. When you get to the page with the box to relay instructions, just note that you are paying a larger amount for your dues.
For visitors who prefer not to become a member, a donation of $5.00 (cash) per person helps us pay the rent for our non-profit organization. Donations can be slipped in the box at the welcome table outside our performance room, Founders Hall. If you can’t afford that, pay what you can afford or nothing at all. We will welcome you to join us either way.
I hope to see you at Leo Coffeehouse.
Neil Harrell
President, Queen City Balladeers/Leo Coffeehouse