Past Newsletters
Hello Everyone,
We are getting ready to open for the 2022/23 season on September 11th. It’s hard to believe that it has been three years since we last prepared for a season opening. We are a little rusty, but things are coming together, albeit a little slower than we are used to. Of course then, we didn’t have to deal with Covid. Here’s what we know so far:
Covid Policy
Like all other venues in this area, we are opening up with no requirements for Covid vaccinations or for wearing masks.
We highly recommend that everyone be fully vaccinated and, during periods of high transmission (high Covid-19 Community Level), suggest that everyone (except singers while performing) consider wearing a tight-fitting mask at Leo Coffeehouse.
Just today it was announced that a new booster shot that covers three Covid variants will be approved and available in the next few weeks. We highly recommend that everyone who is eligible, get the new booster when it is available.
Currently the Covid-19 Community Level in Hamilton County is medium, down from high in July and early August. You can check the current level and recommendations for staying Covid-free here.
A number of QCB members and musician friends have come down with Covid this summer. In all cases (that I know of) they were vaccinated and were able to recover at home, some with little sickness, others with enough sickness that they wouldn’t want to go through it again.
Please use good judgement for the health and safety of everyone by not coming to Leo if you have symptoms of any illness or have recently (within 5 days) been exposed to someone who is ill. It's now common for people to test negative multiple times, yet still have Covid. Please trust your symptoms and not the results of a negative home Covid test.
All our Covid rules are subject to change.
Our goal this year is to get back to normal as close as is possible. Musical acts are currently being booked and we have a tentative schedule for the month of September, which is posted below and on the QCB calendar.
We are experimenting by moving all our open mic performances to the third Sunday each month. The musicians who participated in the three open mic Sundays we held this summer have told us that they like this format, so we are going to try it for the first four months of the regular season. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll make adjustments as the season progresses.
Membership dues are still only $20 for a family or for an individual with a guest. Your membership entitles you to free admission to all Leo Coffeehouse Sundays and workshops from September through next May. We don't have all the volunteers we need to collect dues at Leo, so please help out by paying online or by mailing a check.
The kitchen at Zion UCC is being remodeled. We will not be able to provide coffee and hot water as we have in the past. In addition, we will not have the ability to wash cups, plates, silverware, etc. This past spring and summer, Dave Sanders volunteered to bring hot water for instant drinks. He may decide to continue this until the kitchen is available again. However most coffee drinkers I know have one or more travel cups and most everyone has reusable water bottles. So bringing your own drinks to Leo is probably a good option for the time being.
Tentative September Schedule
Season Opening night Leo Coffeehouse
3rd Sunday Singalong hosted by Janice Alvarado
GuitarRoundtable—with guest host Robin Roland (Mike Helm out of town.)
Open Mic Night at Leo Coffeehouse (see above)
Performance Night at Leo Coffeehouse
For more information and times, see our calendar.
Sad news
We recently learned that past QCB member Robert Dinerman, 85, passed away last year on November 08, 2021. In part, his obituary reads, ”Robert was a force to be reckoned with. A man of quick wit, with many talents: Musician, songwriter, Licensed Psychologist and adjunct professor at Xavier University and former owner of Pierre Frozen Foods. No one was a stranger to him.” Our belated condolences go out to his family and friends.
* * *
We also lost Michael Denton, aka "Mike", "Mick", "Mickey", age 73, who passed away on February 15, 2021. You will probably remember Mick playing at Leo with wife Jill, as Mick & Jill. You may also remember that, in 1967 at the age of 19, Mick was a member of the band “The Casinos” when they had their hit with the John D. Loudermilk penned song “Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye.” Their version of the song reached number 6 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in March, 1967. Mick was officially inducted into the Northern Kentucky Music Hall of Fame via a special certificate on December 24, 2020.