Online Membership Form
Thank you for using the online form to join or rejoin the Queen City Balladeers.
Membership in the Queen City Balladeers entitles you to admission to the Leo Coffeehouse each Sunday of the season and discounted prices on tickets to our special concerts.
We have two levels of membership:
$10 – student
$20 – family or individual plus a guest
“Student” means anybody enrolled in high school, college or some sort of trade school or other actual school.
The family membership covers all family members who share a residence, including students who have not yet graduated from college. The individual membership plus guest pass allows the member to bring in one guest to each evening at the Leo.
We will not use membership cards. Your name will be kept on a list at the front desk at Leo for proof of payment.
Please complete the entire form, then click the Submit button.
Payment and More
When you click Submit, your information will be sent to the Queen City Balladeers membership committee. You will be re-directed to a page where you can use PayPal to make your payment and complete the transaction.